Ultimately, Cos is a play that criticises traditional structures and views of society whether they be asylums, university education or harsh stigma. Fire up the car and drive away showcases how the smallest details of starting the car, something that should be so simple instead requires immense mental effort on her behalf. To explore the theme of identity its best to break it down into several influential factors, which are listed below: The surroundings in which a person finds themselves, as well as the place they call home is an essential part of identity, as it showcases what place one identifies with and feels safe in. Youre better off getting rest so that you can think clearly, work with the knowledge you have, and perform your best in the exam. Cosi Julie Monologue StageMilk final 2 - YouTube Whereas by Act 2, we see Lewis become more invested in the patients and the asylum, as his relationships with the other characters grow. The crowded Greenwich Village apartment complex of the film acts as an effective narrative device, as Hitchcock employs the physical proximity of the apartments to reinforce the overwhelming sense of voyeurism and paranoia amongst neighbours. The lights in Act 1, Scene 1 highlight Lewis entrance into a new world, where he befriends patients who will ultimately help him to learn and develop. Whenever you get a new essay topic, you can use LSGs THINK and EXECUTE strategy, a technique to help you write better VCE essays. Ironically, it is through the madmen that Lewis learns what is truly important. The difference in a cultures customs is a struggle seen throughout the text. The Polish adopted father of Peter, a gentle man who immigrated to Australia with him family from Germany often demonstrates the struggle of the older generation to fully belong, as they have grown up amongst different customs. You might look like this: an array of bewilderedness, surprise, and perhaps evenexcitement? Madison Reyes mentioned the final song that is performed, along with a monologue scene where Julie has a moment of reflection that takes place in an alleyway outside the theater where the band. Don't forget to also check out Our Ultimate Guide to Oral Presentations for everything you need to know for Oral Presentations. I play rival to my cookohohoh! The women are Julie, Cherry and Ruth and in comparison with the men, every woman has a condition associated with them, namely drug addiction . To ensure youve got your Reading and Comparing at an A+ level, download my FREE Reading and Comparing sample chapter from my latest VCE English study guide. The line between reality and illusion is often blurred. InThe Longest Memory, the fight against slavery is portrayed quite differently. Well be applying the CONVERGENT and DIVERGENT strategy from LSGs How To Write A Killer Comparative and at how ideas are developed in similar or different thematic directions in these texts. not just Lewis changing values)., It is not only Lewis who develops in Cos, but other characters as well.. Also try and focus on different areas/types of development (i.e. The new English syllabus is exciting, especially once we're familiar with all the changes. Planning is an essential part of any successful text response essay. The setting of a burnt-out theatre depicts the miserable environment in which the patients of mental institutions are forced to live. Living in . To learn more about the importance of context in VCE English, check out this blog post. It's a great read for a young male to help hone your classical skills. Compare how the two texts explore innocence. To elaborate further on the example using Macbeth and Animal Farm: Avoid simply drawing connections between the texts which are immediately obvious. Cp4 julie molony opened julie s maids cleaning service on Free In this guide, I offer you a deep dive into these two texts through plot summaries and analyses, structural features, critical readings, and best of all, 5 sample A+ essays fully annotated so you can understand exactly how to achieve better marks in your own essays. Despite acting as the main location of progressive culture, such as the beginning of the international gay rights movement, Greenwich Village was also the setting for the broken dreams of its eclectic residents. InThe 7 Stages of Grieving, we see how death can bring together entire communities to commiserate, dance and mourn collectively, drawing on one anothers strength. Languages ability to also expose the differences between people and make them feel like outsiders is also explored in First day of school and The Polish Immigrant as people such as teachers struggle with the pronunciation of Polish names and inevitably have to ask boy, how do you pronounce that?. Topic Sentence 2: Moreover, throughout Cos we see Lewis develop a greater understanding of the complexity of madness due to his partnership with the patients., Examples: Lewis changing perspective of the patients, Lewis involvement with the patients beyond his role as director, fire and water imagery. I was suddenly very overwhelmed and all I wanted to do was spit out my last two essays and get out of that hall. Nick and Lucy both view love as an indulgence that is incompatible with politics and secondary to lifes basic needs. You believe that I am cowardly and want to run away. Nowra also uses the lights to represent the hope for change that Lewis brings to the patients, and vice versa. He is used by Nowra as a benchmark with which Lewis development is compared (i.e. Fain would I dwell on form, fain, fain deny. englewood section 8 housing. These differences between Nick and Lucys view on love and Lewis, are major contributors to the deterioration of their relationships. Eat well! (Macbeth). You will be using compare and contrast skills (see our blog post on Compare and Contrast Essays). However, Julie notes that the wards are never really dark as theres always a light on in the corridor. In this sense, darkness symbolises autonomy and freedom, whereas light represents the constant monitoring and scrutinising that the patients are subjected to. We make love for fun. Should women be allowed to breastfeed in public? So, I developed the FIVE TYPES of essay prompts to help students streamline their planning process and maximise every minute of their SACs and exams. It can go from highly expressive to numb in moments. However, as they are only the Joneses of his own minds making it also showcases his commitment to not simply copy and to still be individual. If you're interested in reading a 50 study scorer's completed essays, along with annotations so you can understand my thinking process, then I would highly recommend checking out LSG's A Killer Comparative Guide: The 7 Stages of Grieving & The Longest Memory. Additionally, Nowra encourages his readers to view insanity as more complex than a diagnosis or something that can be fixed with a coat of paint. Linking Sentence(s): In contrasting Lewis meekness to his boldness, Nowra alludes to the personal benefits that personal growth can have. For example, he admitted to helping Lewis with his direction only so [Lewis would] help [him] on the moratorium committee.. Is three long hours, yet she is not come. Now quite sure how to nail your text response essays?Then download our free mini-guide, where we break down the art of writing the perfect text-response essay into three comprehensive steps.Click below to get your own copy today! Everyone swears it exists, but no one has seen it.. In the 1970s, those who behaved abnormally were declared to be insane and placed in mental institutions that were shunned by society. 'The Dining Room' (Ruth): "Lately I've been - Daily Actor However, Nowra also uses the theatre as a symbol of hope. Miss Julie Monologues - True Monologue This highlights Shakespeares desire to focus on the inner conflict of a man,whereasOrwell depicted the repercussions of a totalitarian regime on those under its ruling. is robin roberts married to amber laign . Often the most emotionally pulling, these poems tug at the heartstrings and showcase the relationships between Peter Skrzynecki and his family, as well as his exploration of his heritage, his ties to his Polish background. This makes sense in relation to Cos, as Nowra is continually encouraging his audience to accept their own reality instead of falling into escapism. If youre unfamiliar with this strategy, then check it out in How To Write A Killer Text Response. As such, Jeffs insubstantial speculation about Thorwald murdering his bedridden wife is disturbingly reflective of the social strife in 1950s America, as thousands accused their neighbours for treason or subversion without concrete evidence. Are You Being Bullied by Narcissistic Monologuing? The compounding sense of surveillance during the 1950s add more meaning to the freedom symbolised by the cat, which can then be contrasted to the suppressed independence of the protagonist, who is seen invalid in a wheelchair in the next shot: By this extreme close-up shot of Jeff sleeping in his wheelchair during the opening sequence, Hitchcock immediately places the viewer in an uncomfortable position as the original and ultimate voyeur, surpassing the intimate boundaries of the protagonist. Leave your details and we'll be in touch to better understand yourneeds, blog on LSGs Five Types of Text Response Prompts, download my FREE Reading and Comparing sample chapter, Develops: learns, grows, changes, flourishes, progresses, matures, Cos explores the development/growth of multiple characters, including Lewis., Lewis is the central catalyst that enables other characters development to be seen (such as Ruths and Zacs), However, we also see characters who fail to develop. Juliet's Monologues From Shakespeare's Tragedy - ThoughtCo Contention: Nowra encourages his audience to reconsider their perspective on the mentally ill by highlighting their capacity to not only change themselves, but enact change in others. How do The 7 Stages of Grieving and The Longest Memory present the emotional pain of racism?. Writing a film analysis can be daunting in comparison to analysing a written text. As Roy's weaknesses surface, we see the grief and sorrow hidden in the humour of Cosi. Are they aligned? These tips helped me get past what felt like a mid-exam crisis, and Im sure theyll help you do the same. Purpose:The ultimate goal is to demonstrate your understanding of how the author constructs their argument in an attempts to persuade the reader to agree with his or her contention. cosi julie monologue Area of study 2 - (Part II) Presenting argument. Blick followed Marion and Geoff with this scandalously overlooked series of 10-minute monologues for BBC Two in which Joanna Lumley headlined as ageing divorcee Madison Blakelock. Whats really interesting here is her description of the other children. The line between reality and illusion is explored through the characters who are labelled as insane as well as those considered normal. Nowra demonstrates that reality is unique for each person, and often people may slip into illusions in order to avoid the truth. Examples: Lewis changing ideas on love and fidelity, Lewis changing levels of subservience to Lucy and Nick. At first, Lewis shares the same values as his friends Nick and Lucy - that love is not so important in the days of politics and war. Do I need to know all of them?, poems are easier than most texts to prioritise and categorise into themes and often have a significant amount of metalanguage. We also see how a difference in sense of belonging can affect relationships, in that we see Peter and his father dont have the closest of relationships, likely due to Peter feeling he belongs to Australia whilst Feliks still had strong connections to his Polish upbringing. The author of this text, as well as a character in his own right, Peter describes his triumphs and struggles of immigrating to Australia in his poems. Power-up your learning with free essay topics, downloadable word banks, and updates on the latest VCE strategies. Thou know'st the mask of night is on my face, Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek. Before starting each essay, jot down a basic plan that will help you remember your key points and contention. The juxtaposition of the pamphlets words being a stay-at-home mum can begin to seem mundane and repetitive is contrasted with Lizs love of motherhood - she is at odds with what society tells her she should be feeling. The play is dominated by Lewis development. Julie later reveals that she has a girlfriend who she would prefer to be with, confirming that both men and women are unfaithful in relationships, despite whatever values they may claim to have. Lizs narrative interspersed with new mums pamphlet. This reflects the power of women to attract men. "Delete, she presses. Her guilt bubbles to the surface here because its as though shes the villain here, and shes to blame for leaving him alone. Light is also used to directly juxtapose the chaos and desperation that darkness brings. Frankensteins hubris is what punishes him. Discuss. The women in both Cos Fan Tutte and Cos are compared with the Arabian Phoenix. Students tend to have strong feelings about it, some love the melodic rhythm and the eloquent way in which it encapsulates life and others hate it, either because they find it a snooze-fest and would rather read the dictionary, or they simply dont know how to approach analysing it. Linking Sentence: Ultimately, through highlighting the development of Lewis views towards insanity, Nowra positions his audience to reflect on the complexity of madness and thus warns of the danger of stereotypes. Miss Julie Monologues. Roy, Julie). At the start of the play, Lewis allows himself to be influenced by Lucys values rather than his own, but by the end, Lewis true views prove to be very different from hers.. The last photograph the camera focuses on in the opening sequence is the picture taken by Jeff of an elegant woman, who bears a striking resemblance to Lisa. junio 30, 2022 junio 30, 2022 / cosi julie monologue. If you dont know your content by 9PM the night before your exam, youre not going to know it by the morning. This is a representation of their modern beliefs that circulate around politics and war. Reconciliation needs to include Aboriginal voices. Instead, George Orwell focuses on the pain and suffering of the animals under Napoleons reign. WhileMacbethconcentrates on Macbeths growing guilty conscience and his gradual deterioration to insanity,Animal Farmoffers no insight into Napoleons stream of consciousness. During the time he spends with the patients, however, Lewis experiences a turning point in his understanding and perception of people. Unlike other prompts, the How positions you to focus more on the authors writing intentions. Rather than using specific techniques to frame your specific arguments, its best to use them as evidence to support arguments that attack the main themes/ideas mentioned in the prompt. Are they the opposite? COSI "COSI" (1996) (Ben Mendelsohn, Barry Otto) (R) QUICK TAKE: Comedy: An unemployed young man takes a job directing an opera at a mental asylum. Perhaps this is Cate Kennedy's commentary on society and motherhood. Read the monologue for the role of Julie from the script for East Haddam by Adam Szymkowicz. Before Lewis entered the theatre, it was dark and derelict, symbolising the abandonment and hopelessness of the asylums patients. This gave them a destination, as well as hope.. Acting Monologues: Adam Szymkowicz - East Haddam read by Julie - Backstage SAC 2:Write a creative response + awritten explanation(~800-1000 words or, if in the form of an oral presentation ~4-6 minutes). This struggle with language, both the disconnect and joy that comes with communicating and the opportunities it affords individuals, is essential in determining how one identifies themselves. Poetry. Thank you! Old/New World: New and Selected Poems explores the formation and changes in a migrants sense of identity as they try to find belonging in their new Australian home as well as later, when they try to reconnect with their European heritage. As seen in Cos, Lewis is unfaithful to Lucy as he kisses Julie during rehearsals. Nowra uses this to suggest the productivity of the mentally ill and challenge traditional stereotypes that label them as incapable., Through Lewis development, Nowra highlights the falsity in societal stereotypes of the mentally ill (i.e. However, what use is your knowledge if you spend your exam trying not to fall asleep?! SAC 3:An analysis and comparison, in written form, of argument and the use of persuasive language in two to three texts (written or visual) that present a point of view on an issue (~800-1000 words). Lewis later discovers that Lucy and Nick are having an affair. Cosi by Louis Nowra | Lisa's Study Guides
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