For example, Maya, a teenage girl from Israel, is not Jewish nor does she eat kosher. These are: Personal Challenges - the emotional challenges faced by individuals. S-130 Module 1 (Preparedness, ICS, & Resources) Flashcards 1. - Direct attack There are many small- and large-scale implications of practicing cultural humility. Thus, the assumptions you make about the world based on your culture form your ability to evaluate everything you encounter. - Holes. Explosives, such as dynamite and blasting caps. Identify FOUR travel barriers that could affect escape time to a safety zone. You're involved in a mop-up operation in heavy fuels. The Importance of Context Assign personnel to monitor and secure the area behind the drip torch operator to look for spot fires that might trap crews or compromise the control line 3. Chapter 3: The Cultural Environment. Chapter 3: The Cultural Environment - Food and Agriculture Organization Tervalon and Murry-Garcia outline three main facets of cultural humility: self critique, acknowledging and fixing power imbalances, and an affiliation with advocacy groups. Use foam or other wetting agents whenever possible Even little things can be helpful. PDF 6 Facets of Cultural Differences Despite the diverse meanings and definitions usually attributed to globalization, one can identify a number of its distinguishing characteristics: 1. Cultural humility is a lifelong practice of self-reflection about one's own cultural identities. All affective states are systematically represented as two bipolar dimensions, valence and arousal. A non-judgemental mindset lets you observe cultural differences without labelling them as 'good' or 'bad', or 'right or wrong'. 3. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. If you know that you are going to a specific region of the world, then it is worth doing your research about that area ahead of time. The theory of Hofstede's cultural dimensions constitutes a framework revolving around cross-cultural communication, which was devised by Geert Hofstede. Remove lock ring in vegetation-free area 4. landscape image of an org chart with six rows: A primary purpose of culture is to provide you with an orientation for understanding and navigating the world, because human beings come pre-programmed by evolution with very little specific knowledge about how to survive and succeed. 7. Though cultures are powerful, they are often unconscious, influencing . Understand that your first priority is your safetyyour second priority is saving property and natural resources identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 Culture can be defined as "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.". identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 Identify three facets affected by cultural differences - Weegy When individuals meet with others from different cultures than their own, they are aware of their own implicit biases and accept that they do not know everything about other cultures. In an example of self-critique, physicians in a training program to develop cultural humility may collect and reflect on their daily experiences with patients from different cultures, noting where they apply assumption and bias. effy jewelry necklace; best places to raise a family 2022 Of all the so called "environmental uncontrollables", culture, or at least the study of it, is one of the most difficult to comprehend, take . Hold fusee away from body with the lighted end down Clean the roof of combustible materials identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 It is a transformational process. For example, in some cultures a . The interactions can be professional or personal. %PDF-1.6 % Keep the landing zone (helibase or helispot) clear of loose equipment, objects, and unauthorized personnel; if you've got the water, consider lightly spraying dirt landing zones to cut down on dust Remove unburned fuel that is outside of but adjacent to the fireline by scattering it into the green away from the fire. - Establish escape routes throughout the day. Gallup's research finds that there are three requirements that must be present in each of the strategies. - Fires move especially fast uphill in chimneys, drainages, and on steep slopes. You are approaching a slope while fire fighting. Use hand tools in conjunction with water application methods to ensure effective water Few of them are listed below: 1. A fire swatter is most effective when used with another tool. Sand and refinish with light coating of linseed oil. Use water sparingly, but use enough to do the job Discuss five other useful firefighting terms. succeed. Charge all available garden hoses. Scrape or stir fuels while applying water in deep-burning fuels, such as duff, peat, or needles The FIRST step you should take is to: 1Attempt to identify the material by reading any placards or labels through binoculars from a safe distance uphill and upwind of the material The best option. Culture informs your communication. 10. - Flare-ups generally occur in medium fuels. - Wet mop-up Post a lookout. Helicopters provide a way to reach remote fire zones quickly. PDF Firefighter Training S-130 - Tennessee Differences in Worldview From Lane, Patty. Use short strokes For example, rather than ending an interaction with Do you have any questions? you can say, Many people new to projects like this one have a number of questions, what are some of the issues you want to know about? Now, you are explicitly giving permission to ask a question and making it clear that asking questions is the norm you expect. - Resource Coordinator. Reduces the need for you to raise a tool above your head. Maintain prompt communications with your forces, your boss and adjoining forces. Select FOUR ways to remove heat energy from a fire. But thats not the most effective way to navigate cultural differences. Flank identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130mostar bridge jump injuries. identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 Barriers to communication Being an objective listener is a must on the fireline. - Hills At the start of a new relationship with individuals or groups from another culture, let everyone know that you want things to go smoothly and that you know that cultural differences can cause some unintended slights. Wear both eye and hearing protection That acknowledgment can take the forms of recognition of contributions to the cultural life of the political community as a whole, a demand for special protection under the law for certain cultural . 3. Preliminary control line built to quickly check the fire's spread Lighting a fusee To light a fusee: Values are a culture's standard for discerning what is good and just in society. Pull the rest of the shelter down over yourself One thing that gets in the way of listening is that you may not give people an opportunity to create an expectation failure. Be alert. Social and cultural aspects of a society form its very nature. - Sharpen cutting edge from 1 inch (25.4 mm) at base to 3/4 inch (19 mm) at tip. Extinguish fusee by tapping burning end on noncombustible surface. Place the following fire behavior terms in order to match with the corresponding description. A safety zone is a place where a fire shelter is not needed. Ecological globalization. Do you have any other questions or concerns today? identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130. Burned areas with no reburn potential Communication is an important form of behavior. I'm calling to see if you've chosen a therapist from the list I gave you the last time we spoke. - Assists agencies requiring cost-recovery and other services This is why its helpful to know what specific cultural differences are. Practitioners can begin by looking at their clients as experts on their own life experience, history, and interests. Visibility Use the chain of command before continuing if firing is not igniting all available fuel along the control line Can be complicated by power outages. Keep the tool at your side and close to your body, not on your shoulder 6. Determine if the residents are home identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 - Adjustable fog nozzle Provides a place for cooler, breathable air to protect your lungs and airway. It's very rude in Chile to eat anything with your hands, even when eating French fries, always have a knife and fork at the ready. Keep informed on fire weather conditions and forecasts. Protecting the apparatus from damage is an important part of effective fire fighting. Identify FOUR ways to keep your portable radio in good working order. Maintains a professional appearance for the crew Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2002. 3. Attacking the fire at the burning edge before it arrives. Runners Put on your life preserver while you're still on the shore or dock. Frontiers | Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities in Human Value Do not smoke within 100 ft. (30 m) of aircraft or fuel storage and fuel equipment Cultural humility was established due to the limitations of cultural competence. Identify a way to improve radio transmission when you are not transmitting through a repeater and poor location is the culprit. identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 2007-12-28T09:06:07-07:00 Some professionals, like social workers, medical professionals, or educators, believed themselves to be culturally competent after learning some generalizations of a particular culture. Top row: one box labeled IC with a broken line to the second row (to indicate that some items are missing. "also found in both the IRPG and the Fireline Handbook. 9.2 The Relationship Between Television and Culture Can be complicated by lack of training. Do not run with hand tools 2. Place the first seven steps for putting a drip torch into service in order. Potential Hazards and Human Factors on the fire line, Do you have the risk management process down? Fight the fire before it reaches the structure. 1. Challenges of Cultural Diversity in Healthcare: Protect Your Patients difference between goryeo and joseon A primary purpose of culture is to provide you with an orientation for understanding and navigating the world, because human beings come pre-programmed by evolution with very little specific. In this article, Tervalon and Murray-Garcia identified three facets to cultural humility. Engine crews Individuals are multi-dimensional, and even persons from the same culture can and do experience that culture differently. Attempt to maintain eye contact with the pilot to be sure he or she sees you. Culturally determined characteristics include: the language spoken at home; religious observances; customs (including marriage customs that often accompany religious and other beliefs); acceptable . PDF Facets of Globalization She is a Palestinian Muslim who is originally from Syria but is considering converting to Baptist Christian. Insert your boots inside the straps at the bottom of the shelter to secure it Names, numbering, or stenciling A well-informed Lisa feels confident and culturally competent before beginning her new job. In this example, Robert is a community health worker that has referred an individual, Laura, to a list of therapists after she shared that she was having symptoms of depression. Lookouts 3. Acrobat Distiller 8.1.0 (Windows) It creates an awareness of cultural similarities and differences. Minimizes impact to the environment, Place each wildland fire part in order to match to the best description. Bulging windows and an unventilated roofhot gases are trapped, and a backdraft is brewing Get into a face-down position with your feet toward the fire Search - Finance/Administration THINK Clearly ACT Decisively. The portion of a control line where flammable material has been removed by scraping or digging down to mineral soil is known as the____. - Don't go aft of the helicopter doors. Cultural humility. Much of the differences in culture have to do with food preparation, music, and what each culture considers politeness. Dislodged burning objectsthe equipment can knock down burning trees or other flammables. Identify THREE facets affected by cultural differences. Clearly identify escape routes and safety zones before starting operations 2. Cultural Agility Overview & Importance | What is Cultural Agility? When determining safety zone size safety zones should have a ______. One thing that can be useful is to have them write out a quick meeting summary afterward and send it around to make sure everyone is in agreement. identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 The crew of a boat is responsible for the safety of passengers, just like the operator of fire apparatus. Luckily, there is often a simple solution to understanding how people are reacting to their interactions with you ask. Previous research found that the within-country variability of human values (e.g., equality and helpfulness) clearly outweighs between-country variability. What You Can Do. Place a ladder on the side of the house that is least threatened and away from power lines - One or more lookouts should be posted when crews are assigned to drainages. In general, being jealous and possessive are traits both guys and girls share. In two to three paragraphs, describe a living situation that is non-normative to you, and investigate your opinions and judgments about it. There are three important facets of cultural humility: Acknowledging and fixing power imbalances: small and large scale, Affiliation with advocacy groups: increase reach and effectiveness. 6. Examining the entire assigned area You might need to implement some kind of grid or block system when you face large burns or complicated situations. Dress 4. Protective Footwear 4. Through these 8 aspects, we can see how our world is becoming more integrated on many different levels. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Inform all crew members of escape route locations 3. Social and Cultural Influences on Building Evacuation During Fire - WPI
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