The words purported meaning of place of hulled-corn soup may have had reference to several pits containing charred corn Buck and Hale found near the ancient apple trees.44 No matter who named the mountain, that name permanently connected the Hale family and their mountain to the Onandaga people who lived there before. It is clear in the family correspondence, however, that the death occurred the year before on May 14, 1807 (see Timothy Pickering Jr. to John Pickering May 3, 1807 where Timothy IIIs death is added at the bottom of the letter in pencil noting it occurred May 14 [1807]; cf. On September 2, 1831, the Smiths moved into John Johnson's home in Hiram, Ohio. Robert H. Rose, letter to Miss Jane Hodge, October 1, 1809; Day,Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania, 622. Courtesy LDS Church History Library, Money Hole in trees behind boy and dog to the left; Hale apple and pear orchard, center right. [13] The bank's demise led to serious problems for the church and the Smith family. 278. Her cousins named their son Algernon Sidney Lewis after the English philosopher Algernon Sidney who opposed absolute or divine right monarchy, and the Litchfield area became a central base for operations during the war where the Continental Army could rely on consistent support, store supplies, and keep prisoners of war. As the family worked, Connecticut and Pennsylvania soon resolved their competing land claims, and on April 4, 1789, the state of Pennsylvania sold the Hale and Lewis farms to George Ruper as part of a large tract of land that included much of the valley.94b Pennsylvania separated the valley from Tioga Township in March 1791, and made the entire valley Willingborough Township, a part of Luzerne County.95 As Isaac and Elizabeth Hale settled in Willingborough Township, Ruper sold most of his land to Tench Francis, a merchant in Philadelphia, who became their new landlord. 193. Chaffee,History of the Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,36. An 1857 hand drawn map of the Susquehanna Valley includes a stylized sketch of the Hale home depicting a structure similar to the one Timothy Pickering hired Isaac Hale to build for him.244 Pickering designed a typical Federal style home for his plantation in the Susquehanna Valley that included a neatly balanced appearance. Thomas and Mary Buck Tarble became part of the same Presbyterian community near Ouaquaga village where Josiah Stowell served as a deacon.After her husband Thomas was killed in an accident and buried on Abel Stowells farm, Mary moved to father-in-law John S. Tarbeles home a little south of the Hale family. [citation needed] As the Kirtland Temple was being constructed, Emma spearheaded an effort to house and clothe the construction workers.[21]. Ch.2) This quote is not from The History of the Church, Volume 1, Chapter 2, as claimed. After 1843 it is very difficult to get a sense of the value of homes on property since the homes are included with all real property into a single value. After the Buck difficulty, instead of nearly all the families being pious, not but two or three were to be found entitled to that sacred epithet.175 The community still gathered for social interaction on the Sabbath, but they held their Sunday meetings in the local log schoolhouse and read from Thomas Paines Age of Reasoninstead of the Bible. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,103. The outlines of this figure were plainly visible to the earliest white visitors of this valley. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,102, reported, Major Buck . 314. 299. He sold to the railroad the portion of the farm where his fathers body was buried with the agreement the railroad would move Isaac Hale to the cemetery before laying down track over the burial spot. agreed with Lucy Smiths account, arguing Joseph began courting while still at the Hale farm, stating a group of money diggers boarded at his [Isaacs] house [when]JS [Joseph Smith] began courting Hales daughter Emma. Michael Hubbard MacKay, Gerrit J. Dirkmaat, Grant Underwood, Robert J. Woodford, and William G. Hartley, eds.,The Joseph Smith Papers,Documents Volume 1: July 1828June 1831(Salt Lake City: Church Historians Press, 2013), 347. 138. 246. 51. [citation needed] Emma herself held stock in the Society. Wed hardly get over one frolic when wed begin to fix for another.154 Settlers held a big frolic on Wednesday, July 4, where they enjoyed dancing and eating as they worked together while honoring Isaac Hale and the other men in the valley who had served in the Revolutionary War. Emma's father, Isaac Hale died 11 January 1839. In May 1829, Emma and Joseph left Harmony and went to live with David Whitmer in Fayette, New York. Shingles were the first wood product sold because they were easily made without special equipment. Nathaniel Lewis brought with him negative experiences with the Rodsmen and treasure digging culture, Isaac Hale arrived in Pennsylvania without the same conflict with his Connecticut roots.93, Uncle Nate, Isaacs brother-in-law Nathaniel Lewis, and Nathaniels wife Sarah, squatted on a farm immediately west of the Hales on the north bank of the Susquehanna River ascending the foot of Oquago Mountain. line; Smith Farm, bottom right of center line. sweet things to write in a baby book. There are also two other individuals buried in unmarked graves within the row of Hale family headstones. [23] As president of the Ladies' Relief Society, she authorized the publishing of a certificate in October 1842 denouncing polygamy and denying her husband as its creator or participant. 151. 119. Unlike other members of the Smith family who had at times favored the claims of James J. Strang or William Smith, Emma and her children continued to live in Nauvoo as unaffiliated Latter Day Saints. 1. The Stow Cemetery is also known as Lyons Farm Cemetery and North Windsor Cemetery. Stonemasons work in a distinctive style that makes it possible to identify headstones as coming from a particular individual as is done with other works of art. Stocker,Centennial History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, 543. Alva wrote to his brothers and sisters in an awkward hand using his idiosyncratic spelling, she has gown to HeaveHeaven the evidence she gave to the world will be the means of some confirming thetrutruths of the Bible for to dy is gain to those that hav lived a godly life. One historian argued that unsatisfied greed, hurt pride, and infectious hatred motivated Isaac Hale. 282. After the half starved Colbert ate with a nasty dirty woman and her nasty children, he established a black class in the valley west of Willingborough and then headed home.182 Methodist classes were loose associations that gathered for Bible study and provided organized service to help the needy in a community, and the white members of the community typically organized classes independently from their black members.183 This class would have operated without formal support or direction and would not have taken religion over the mountain to the Susquehanna Valley. John Travas (also spelled Traves and Travis), a neighbor of the Hales, had a 15 x 30 foot home valued at $16, which was likely the value of a single story structure. In one of these reports, he boasted of raising in a single season as much as 750 bushels of oats, 450 bushels of corn, and 2,560 pounds of pork, along with smaller amounts of other items. But in her sons eyes she managed to die a good Christian death as was expected at the time. John Lewis eventually moved to Harmony Township, New York, where he became a Methodist Elder, preacher, and a judge in the county, and his son later served as a member of congress. rock valley college basketball; rooms for rent in othello washington. . He may have also visited his father, Reuben Hale, or older brother, Reuben Hale Jr., both veterans of the recent war, or with his sisters Naomi and Antha (Diantha) Hale. Richard L. Bushman,The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992), 115. Robert H. Rose, letter to Isaac Hale, January 2, 1810, Deeds. History, 18381856, volume A-1 Bennett became a blacksmith in Great Bend Township, Tax Assessments, Great Bend Township, 1825, Susquehanna County Courthouse, Montrose, Pennsylvania. It was Potters congregation during Isaacs childhood that Jonathan Edwards had tried to call to repentance when he preached his famous sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. The sermon had not taken then, and the congregation had not adopted Edwards conservative stance when Joseph and Antha were married, but the Reverend Potter still had gone too far when he married a black man and a white woman. In the morning after Asburys arrival, he attended a camp meeting already underway for two days and extolled, God is in the camp and with us.196 He added that more than a thousand people had gathered to the meetingquite an event for the little valley. But by July, her attitude toward the practice had shifted again, and she burned a manuscript copy of the revelation on plural marriage now found in Doctrine and Covenants132. Since he made his living hunting, there was little need to store a harvest of grain and animal feed. Since Elizabeth died in 1842, Blackmans date would put her initial conversion at 1792 when William Colbert took Methodism to upper Pennsylvania but not the Susquehanna Valley. ), his question mark after the date expressing some uncertainty as to when Buck was replaced. As soon as Emma learned of her fathers death, she wrote her Hale family from her own mansion in Nauvoo and invited them to participate in the refined aspects of her life, even if they chose not to become Mormons. The Stowell work party went a little over a mile and a half west on Oquago Road where a narrow footbridge on the west side of a small cemetery connected the families across the river and marked the beginning of the farm of Vermont emigrants Isaac and Elizabeth Hale. [17], Emma was baptized by Oliver Cowdery on June 28, 1830, in Colesville, New York,[13] where an early branch of the church was established. [11] Emma first met her future husband, Joseph Smith, in 1825. 297. On being told that there was no such word in common usage, the elder said,I dont care, it was applicable.203. Hale traveled from Connecticut along the newly opened turnpike to southwestern New York until he arrived at Ouaquaga village or Old Oquago,which straddled the Susquehanna River four miles south of what would eventually become Colesville, New York.30 Major General John Sullivans soldiers had already burned Ouaquaga to the ground and massacred hundreds of Onondaga tribal members and recently settled Tuscarora families before Hale arrived, leaving corn in the fields, apples in the orchards, and tools scattered about the ground. Nathaniel Lewis and other Methodist preachers still held their camp meetings in the hollows and forests of the Endless Mountains, where the cries of the penitents were followed by shouts of deliverance.211, Elisha Bibbins and Marmaduke Pearce, brother-in-law to influential Shouting Methodist George Lane, briefly became the circuit riders for the valley in 1812and continued to encourage grove experiences.212They promised the faithful they could receive direct answer to prayer.213 Bibbins was a man of medium size with a prominent nose and benignant eyes who was so successful in his efforts to invite the interested to seek God in prayer that a local hunter found these Shouting Methodists praying in the woods disruptive and insisted they frightened the deer away [as] he came upon praying people everywhere.214. The Beers map has continued to influence some historians of Mormonism. Did Isaac Hale like Joseph smith? When Emma decided to marry Joseph in 1827, her parents disowned her, but did allow their daughter and son-in-law back for a time while Emma was pregnant with their first child and as Joseph continued translating the . 171. Photograph by Mark L. Staker. 93. Alva Hale, who had rented property his whole married life, finally became a landowner and moved back onto the farm where he grew up to better care for his mother. James Westfalls headstone stands in the cemetery known today as the McKune cemetery just east of the Joseph Smith property. 209. Shortly after Emmas death, Forscutt spent five days writing up his history of Emma while living with her son Joseph III. Joseph Anderson, ed.,The Town and City of Waterbury, Connecticut, from the Aboriginal Period to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-Five(New Haven: The Price and Lee Company, 1896), 1:398, 581, and 712; and Mary Audentia Smith Anderson,Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale(Independence, Mo. Context suggests this tax was for sugar houses, special buildings where the residents distilled their maple sap into a usable product. isaac hale father of emma smith . isaac hale father of emma smith. Emily Blackman cites Isaacs affidavit verbatim in her preliminary draft of herHistory of Susquehanna County,but makes some minor changes and introduces errors in dating in her published version, Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,581. Anderson,Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale), 1:131, 399, 463, 580, 711; Correll H. Tiffany, comp., West Hartland, Conn.: A Documentary History of Her Homesteads, 17601916, unpublished manuscript, Connecticut State Library; Sharpe,History of Oxford,14; Henry P. Johnston, ed.,The Record of Connecticut Men in the Military and Naval Service During the War of the Revolution, 17751783(Hartford, Conn.: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1889), 326, 364, 643. The first two men to have frame homes built along the east bend of the Susquehanna River were also prominent Quakers who brought their Society of Friends beliefs with them from southern Pennsylvania. 55. When their daughter Emma was less than ten years old, the Hales built a new, two-story frame home 14 by 34 feet and expanded it during 1820-1822 to include a single level kitchen addition 12 by 24 feet, almost doubling the size of the ground level to make a comfortable but modest middling mansion. This is where Emma lived when Joseph Smith first met her. Isaac claims, "Smith stated to me he had given up what he called 'glass-looking,' and that he expected and was willing to work hard for a living." (Isaac Hale, father of Emma Hale Smith, History of the Church, Vol.1. They spend whole days in hunting & yet their houses are left in an unfinished state. A traveling minister, who preached in the Hale home, remembered Isaac Hale as a shrewd, witty man; one of his neighbors identified him in court testimony the previous year as old Mr. Hale, but most of his neighbors would have recognized in him a devoted husband and father, a devout Christian, and a developed backwoodsman who preferred solitude and independence, even in his request to be buried apart from his neighbors.8 Isaacs wife, Elizabeth Lewis Hale, may have gone by Betsey.9 She could sign her own name in a careful, practiced hand, and her neighbors found her an intelligent, enjoyable conversationalist.10 But she remained firmly in the shadows of her husband. The site was very clean as if they had internalized Methodist founder John Wesleys aphorism cleanliness is next to godliness.299 Despite John Comforts later concerns that an interest in pursuing wealth was creeping into their Methodist community and overshadowing religious devotion, the Hale family appears to have reconciled the role of wealth into their religious practice. A final report of the excavation is forthcoming and will be placed in the same files. Hale family geographical origins. But his observation captured a difference in attitude between the working men and women along the Susquehanna River and the gentry in comfortable Philadelphia homes. The similarities in name, location, and activities can easily lead to confusion between the two men. While Mumford was in the township David Hale was not taxed for a residence.281 Jeriah Mumford also paid taxes on the 434 acres of unseated lands (not occupied) for which the Joseph Smith connected to Jacob Smith was first taxed for in 1823. I checked these facts after listening to a recent podcast with Grant Palmer here. The tune existed in American folklife earlier than the comic opera and may have made its way to Shuckburgh through another source, but the connection of the two would have been apparent to many Pennsylvanians. No one in Susquehanna County with a large number of acres of land was taxed for a trade, however, perhaps because the exemption for farmers provided a loophole against taxing anyone who included some farming among a variety of occupations. If so, it served as school, church, and residence for a period.256. After contesting the 1828 assessment, Isaac was taxed for 63 acres of unimproved land and 28 acres of improved land, consisting of two acres of first rate land that included a kitchen garden and large work area around his house, 16 acres of second rate land along the river that included a pasture for his sheep, and ten acres of third rate land between his home and the mountain that included an orchard just north of his home, wetlands north of the orchard of little agricultural use except for as afee area for pigs, and sugar maple trees in the rocky, ascending portions to the north. 292. She remembers Emma, afterwards the wife of the Prophet, as a handsome and attractive girl, about her own age. Blackman noted Elizabeth Hale was for fifty years a consistent member of the Methodist church (Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,103). Joseph Smith's father in law, Emma's father, the hunter and farmer and innkeeper Isaac Hale (17763-1839), was anything but a fan of his son in law. A key element of their religious activity was the use of divining rods to receive revelation. Emma delivered a baby son who died soon after birth on June15, 1828, when she nearly died herself. Joseph had come southwest from New York seeking employment in the Susquehanna Valley. After concluding their new Methodist minister was more interested in money than he was in fulfilling his ministerial duties, Comfort wrote, My Dear Son if this is christianity or Methodism How I have been deceived for more than thirty eight years.284. Florence Hartley,The Ladies Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness(Boston: G. W. Cottrell, Publisher, 1860), 124. And the office of thy calling shall be for a comfort unto my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun., thy husband, in his afflictions. (D&C 25:3, 5.) Also, my colleagues Donald L. Enders, Jennifer L. Lund, Steven L. Olsen, and Benjamin C. Pykles each patiently listened as I worked on elements of the research and responded to my thoughts or shared their own as the project developed. Hale always claimed that he was converted from deism to faith in Christ as the Savior, by a secret prayer of Emmas, when she was but seven or eight years old, which he accidentally overheard when just entering into the woods to hunt. After the Hale family built their own mansion during the time of the Comfort conversions, the two families had a great deal in common. For dinner, they carried milk in bottles, and mush. Windsor Bridge Company, Subject Files, Broome County Historical Society, Binghamton, New York; Trial Notes of Scribe A, Transcription of the Testimony Given at the Trial of Jason Treadwell, August, 1824, Historic Site Files, LDS Church History Library, hereafter CHL. However, as the time passed Isaac had concerns about Joseph's character and history. By referring or linking you to these resources, we do not endorse or guarantee the content or the views of the author. Although Raymond Bailey noted It is thought [Emma] . Isaac Hale (1763 - 1839): Father of Joseph Smith's lawful wife, Emma Smith. He reminisced in his letter to his brothers and sisters of their childhood with their faithful parents. Into this humble dwelling he moved his family on the tenth day of April, 1791. Rev. Pickering grew up in and returned to die in the 1651 Pickering house in Salem, Massachusetts, which remained the oldest home in the United States continuously occupied by one family until the end of the 20th century. Clarke suggest William Smith married Moses Comstocks daughter and settled in the valley in 1791, the year after he notes Hale and Lewis settled the valley. John Comfort wrote his son on Christmas Eve 1836 of the Hale family exodus. During this period, the Wood family and some of their neighbors accepted Nathaniel Woods religious doctrines, and this growing group began meeting together in Middletown. Two days after the babys birth, Colonel Pickerings good friend Alexander Hamilton was killed in his famous duel with Aaron Burr. I inquired of Joseph Smith Jr., who was to be the first who would be allowed to see the Book of Plates? Colberts journal suggests the type of Methodism he brought to the area was the style that soon became popular throughout the mountains, a type known as Shouting Methodism. He was tasked with finding and unearthing buried treasure presumed to be located there. After his dismissal, Pickering decided he wanted to retire from public life, move to the country, and become a gentleman farmer. 150. 208. 214. Smith stated to me, that he had given up what he called "glass-looking," and that he expected to work hard for a living, and was willing to do so. As part of the refinement of America that took place in Lucy Smiths childhood, the central stairway and the expansion of the upstairs as a social space in the home became important markers of the rituals of polite society. Although the Hale family was only part of the lesser gentry that put them into the highest social level only in their remote valley, their refined home reflected well on their family.245. Dubois believed, Taint no use to worryit only makes things worse. When the Harmony Turnpike crossed the Pennsylvania state line, the Allegheny Mountain foothills began their gentle rise. Sawmills quickly developed all along the river and the remaining waterway was filled with large arks and rafts taking lumber down the Susquehanna to Lancaster County where it was unloaded and carried in wagons 100 miles overland to Philadelphia. Grant held his meetings in both the Comfort home on the east end of the township in the village of Lanesville (John Comfort joined the Methodists in 1809) and the Hale home on the west end of Harmony Township near the hamlet of Taylortown.206Grant likely preached at the Comfort home in the morning hours and the Hale home in the afternoon hours to keep up his long list of scheduled preaching locations downriver. The public was sure he had four or five times that amount.64 Conversation in many country taverns centered on Kidds treasure and where it might be located and finding the hidden horde became a popular pastime. . The only significant difference between Lucy Smiths home and Elizabeth Hales home was the location of the stairway leading to the second floor and a full second story in the Hale home rather than a half-story such as was in the Smith home. poor Backsliden Lanesboro is left to mourn her barrenness and Distance from her Duty and privilege.286 The call of better opportunities elsewhere continued to draw the Hale family out of the valley until Alva Hale was the only child of Isaac and Elizabeth who still lived near them. 251. It was the effectual, fervent prayer which prevails. Tell us. Debates about who should be Joseph's successor as the leader of the church also involved Emma. She has been tossed upon the ocean of uncertainty; She has breasted the storms of persecution, and buffeted the rage of men and devils, which have borne down almost any other woman.1. Son and father prepared for the rest of the family, happy they had escaped the yellow fever in the cities, and anticipating a much healthier climate along the river.152. . 290. Emma Hale never saw her parents again after the Kirtland era. Press J to jump to the feed. The early settlers grandchildren recalled years later how their families brought with them many of those old Connecticut notions and prejudices, which shaped their daily activities such as avoiding beginning to plow or plant on a Friday (considered an unlucky day) or making sure the moon was in the right quarter to begin planting to guarantee a good crop. Staker and Jensen, David Hales Store Ledger: New Details about Joseph and Emma Smith, the Hale Family, and the Book of Mormon, and W. Curtis Monts, Water Transportation on the Susquehanna,Wyoming Historical and Geological Society23 (1970): 2139. Nathaniel and Esther had four more children as the family struggled to make a living in the hard scrabble of their new settlement. 1 Joseph Smith Jr. (1805-1844), was a treasure seeker. Chaffee,History of the Wyoming Conference, 36. See Day,Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania, 61924). Chaffee,History of the Wyoming Conference, 37. Hiland Paul,History of Wells, Vermont for the First Century after its Settlement; with Biographical Sketches by Robert Parks, Esq. Mark Lyman Staker serves as a Senior Researcher in the Church History Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and has beeninvolved in historic sites restoration for more than fifteen years. 118. 11. This suggests David rented land over the next decade from Levi Westfall who farmed with his father James two farms east of Isaac and Elizabeth Hales farm.251, Jesse and Alva Hale were both listed in the1820 census as heads of household while twenty-six-year-old David was included in his fathers household as an unnamed individual listed in his age category. 176. 236. John D. Monroe,Chapters in the History of Delaware County, New York(Delaware, New York: Delaware County Historical Association, 1949), 8997, 109. 59. Mary S. and John W. Parks, present owners. Mudge,American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book,11. David recalled that his father specifically settled in the Susquehanna Valley because of the hunting opportunities the area offered. Emma Hale Smith, Blessing, June 1844, typescript, Church History Library, Salt Lake City. 76. Whatever the ultimate motivation for Hales decision to ignore the controversy, after having worked one summer in Connecticut, he concluded to try the West.29. The original tax booklet as prepared by Comfort and Hale included columns for different rates of land (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and unimproved) and a column each for houses, mills, horses, oxen, cows, and occupation. A surveyor in the employment of Dr. R. H. Rose, while tracing a boundary line through the woods, placed his hand high on a tree to mark where the ax-man, who followed, should strike out a chip as an evidence of the line that had been run. 304. Silas Comfort, a boy who grew up with Emma and who attended church with his parents in her familys home, preached in the late 1820s and early 1830s. Nathaniel returned to the war briefly as he enlisted a fourth time and served in Vermont.74. McNeil decided to head for Havana rather than fight local hostiles because Havana was reputedly rich in booty.67 The men captured ships and scoured the Caribbean in search of treasure, but when Havana fell in July 1762, and the hoped for treasure never materialized, McNeils Yankees sailed home with their only gold the amber skin of a sick and dying crew as a precursor to a serious yellow fever epidemic.68 McNeil remained undeterred and his family established a shipping business in the West Indies where McNeils son later became a pirate, or, as his family remembered it, a privateer . They introduced a variety of doctrinal innovations through revelation, and they discussed using their rods to find treasure to finance a New Jerusalem.83 While it is not clear if Woods followers identified themselves by a particular name, it may have been something akin to modern Israelites or Jews.84Outsiders called them Rodsmen.
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