All 6,115 words of it. We would be interested in any thoughts you may have regarding Mark Driscoll's message. These churches are both responsible for vetting their speakers, and they utterly failed on this one. The point of closed systems is to keep them closed. GW used to require people to take a class and understand the commitment but they couldnt keep their salvation numbers up without the spontaneous element that include giving away free clothes and smart little swag bags for those willing to dunk for the cameras. You have a holy responsibility to lead your flock in truth and light yet you are deliberately misleading them. . since we are all clergy??? some have suffered unjustly. @ Bridget: James River Church | Christian Church - Springfield, MO And later did sort of brag about how beneficial it was to him in his spiritual life. this discussion you make today determines your destiny, God wants you to forgive. There are plenty of people within the Christian faith that have their own issues with mega churches but people outside of it especially do. Gateway also directly lifted the slogan every number has a name, every name has a story.. spiel verbatim from Perry Nobles NewSpring to try to distract from the reality that every member is seen as a giving unit number (no attribution to Perry, of course). Weve got enough local crazy around here, we dont need Mark Driscoll and his He-Man Woman-Hating Circus. I try to make sure my examples reflect current GW practice which is repellent to follow but important that people understand the stuff that I am posting is happening in real time. Its really big in Charismatic/Pentecostal circles I think mainly because they are more predisposed to bad behavior (think TBN and Daystar whackos). If so you may be onto something. they had a scandal about their homes for helping young women also, financial corruption-ish and not letting the women get outside counseling. Christian geneticist and U.S. National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins suggested most churches should postpone in-person services due to COVID-19 until at least summer 2021, when every American is expected to have had the opportunity to get vaccinated, The Christian Post recently reported. Here me in this, the issue is Jesus. He could continue the stance that we could not leave because we were under discipline and offend the large donor, or he could let us leave in peace and not offend the donor. I would say he was a tyrannical charlatan that used people for his own purposes and claiming it was of Christ. You might be interested in this post from this recent post at Stand Firm, an Anglican blog, regarding Hillsong. I knew I was being set up when I watched MDs embedded church video posted here at TWW. LT wrote: i have very little church experience so i dont think i am qualified to even speak to these things though. All he has to do is say "I repent" and it has to be forgiven and forgotten or we are the meanies. But I am also free to point out his behavior looks sociopathic if one has spent enough time looking into sociopathic behaviors. How can they do that? The worship leaders are all carefully coached and choreographed on how to appear more worshipful and fake their collective ecstatic elation over being one with their maker. In his sermon, Lindell cites several verses to make his No. Driscoll was never really qualified to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the first place he proved that time and time again by his un-Christlike behavior in word and action. I understand exactly how you feel if that helps. Mark also provided the all important yet elusive authentic community EXCLUSIVE: THE WEDDING's OFF! BRAD PITT FAMILY CAUGHT IN A GAY SCANDAL Not here to argue about this, just pointing it out. Gramp3 and I were recalling today the first time we ever heard Driscolls name brought up in a church. I think it should lie with the one who broke the trust in the first place. Plus Driscoll has to be way cheaper than Judah Smith or Carl Lentz, the current kings of radical chic. When he walked up to speak with me I politely told him neednt spend time with me because I lived about 4 hours away RT and, therefore, wouldnt be attending his church again. Then he stated emphatically: Now let me just say this to you today cause I have no apology for Mark being there; Im glad Marks here. In 2019, James River reported an average weekly attendance of 19,000,[1]making it one of the ten largest AG churches and one of the largest churches in Missouri (subsequently Springfield). MD should never have been a pastor based on how much contempt he has for his fellow man. I have heard Driscoll in person.. The kid starts expecting it. Then you can better understand the depths of this deception. In case this was not a rhetorical question, the correct answer is entertainment. Jesus Church or 501(c)3 Religious business? Christians have to be different than that. Stephens, in my opinion, has gone to great lengths to keep his position on the ordinance incomprehensible. Oh no. I present to you James River church in Springfield Missouri this past weekend. i was looking for my link to Rob Smiths orphanage and found that he has recently posted a great response to those propping up Mark Driscoll. What I dont get is that those pastors dont care if they look completely dishonest in their statements. Elders thatthat sin are to be rebuke before all, that others also may fear. Pastors that dont understand the devestation they cause by playing God in peoples lives, especially women and childrens lives, have no business calling themselves christians and certainly shouldnt be in positions where people might think they are speaking for God Himself when they tell them how to live. I dont think it is realistic. The pews were uncomfortable. Or is it just a GW thing? If you take his quotes about his economic policies in Cuba and substitute covenant or biblical Gospel he sounds about the same as the pastors we are discussing. Driscoll, IMHO, is completely unsuited for any position of authority. All rights reserved. What is tragic is that these events will lead everyone who has two braincells to rub together to come to the following default conclusions: If there are reports of a scandal or problems at a church, they are true. actually getting behind the wheel of a car again will probably be the hardest thing he does, if he ever even wants to drive again. All you have to do is say some magic words and we end up being the mean ones if dare say we otherwise. Missouri has not limited attendance at houses of worship but has advised social distancing. signed, Still Looking, first i wasnt refering to anything lindell wrote but only his intro for mark driscoll because i have never read anything he wrote and dont want to. And probably they wont. Also, as Driscolls friend, John Piper, wrote: pastors are not professionals. I asked people who were about as famous (if that is what you call it) as him what they thought. Wouldnt you encourage him to find another vocation? James River Assembly, Ozark MO. I dont think he is qualified to lead any church or ministry of any size until he exhibits the fruit of the Spirit for a long, long time. Its a measure of arrogance. He doesnt come near to meeting basic societal criteria for a decent person. Why exiles dont speak out is a strange phenomenon. "It is possible for someone who has practiced a life of adultery to stop," he said in the sermon. James River Assembly hosted a Christmas pageant last December in the midst of the covid pandemic. It is definitely not where all leadership and vision is deferred to one man, and it is definitely not authoritarian. As far as people moving into ministry later in life, one would hope they had left that life behind and were new creations in Christ. How they hold their hands, pat their hearts, stomp their feet, fall to their knees, wipe away fake tears, etc is all taught in classes. At his height of fame Driscoll was the bad boy of the Christian world. I can appreciate that sentiment Gram3 and I applaud it. You cant speak in tongues? the money that was supposed to be going to missionaries in another country had been intertwined with the general fund. The best thing about it is one young woman had incredible courage. mode. Actually, they have as much as said that there is a good root (their doctrines/practices that accidentally produced some bad fruit. actually Jesus spoke to people He had healed early in His ministry and told them not to tell everyone, they did anyway and He spent the rest of His ministry having crowds pressing against Him and having to go hide sometimes. Bummer. As the one did previously now the other is going thru the hoops of treatment and being checked on by outside agencies because being around the child is worth it. Interestingly, he chose the title of his message to be 'Paul the Forgiven' and goes on to say that Paul has a name change because of a life change. ATB He wants to release you from that burden and bondage, they haven't asked for forgiveness? one person, after 6 months finally started to say why they didnt attend gateway anymore and it made me wonder why people dont warn others. Obviously, I disagree with Lindell on the upcoming vote. 4 Ways of Discerning If You Have Left Jesus Behind. 34 They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink. He sought out those that God sent Him to minister to in remote places away from crowds. . They are relinquishing 10-20% of their gross income. I dont think people that have fallen for false teachers are stupid, i think instead it reflects the degree of deceit in the false teachers and the seriousnes of the manipulations being used. It is like embezzlers working around money. Location. Steven Reed, Stephens' opponent, had an easier time answering. Only the hero. king does not stand up for you. I asked people who were about as famous (if that is what you call it) as him what they thought. His career has been a total focus on getting his narcissistic supply. Likewise, in house churches sin happens because people will be people. James River Church is located in the Springfield, MO! Thats why places like TWW are imperative. Driscoll has used this vague parallels to himself many times, framing the sermon in the context of his own life with the lives of other noble characters, most notably Jesus. If after many years of that, he wrote a book about how God brought about change within, Id be interested in reading it. I told him that. it is heartbreaking to have to help them get through the transfer of custody until the one can get through a treatment and be able to be around the child again. I dont see him pastoring a church and I am not even sure his legal problems from the last one are over. They worked hard to get where they are and make the assocations that would help them. I hope you found some of the above helpful. Actually are pews still in general use? James River Church - YouTube Even his outrageous speak was a game where he would then delete then repent then do againshampoo, rinse, repeat. ", Meanwhile, here's what was communicated 'Down Under' "Houston, we have a problem.". But over time became desensitized and swept up in group-think so as to eventually accept it as acceptable in the 21st century. @ sam: In your mega travels Lydia, is this homogenization of bad practices the norm? i would rather be in fellowship with people that realise they still have sin but instead of rationalizing or blameshifting, show fruit of the Spirit in overcoming it. Week of Power with Bill Johnson & Randy Clark Sunday, March 12 - Thursday March 16. The worst of all the bad these churches can do (apart from sexual assaults) is brainwashing the kids into their cult beliefs so that they will not accept the true Word of God at a later date. The true character of a man shows when you see how he treats those with less power who depend on him for his income., A few items: A preacher is not to be- By the way, what do you call a person who tells lies? Returning so soon to the limelight reinforces the idea that it really is all about Mark. I believe in forgiveness, but cautious about putting such folks back on the platform. Its appalling that through your words and actions you are able to re-injure the real victims with such ease all while smiling and chuckling on your stage. Was that MDs evil twin Dark Miscoll who said elders who disagree with him need to be put in wood chippers or that women need to bring their men to Jesus by orally servicing them every morning whether they like it or not? I dont see how or why the Jerusalem church could have trusted him at that point, even though they might (or some of them might) have believed his vision and repentance were real. I fully understand the depression and near paralysis that comes after leaving a cult. Pokin Around: 'Cussing pastor' to preach at James River Church His statement is factually incorrect. Something has gone seriously wrong in Mega-Land and it aint just thinking about having MD speak at one of their conferences. Clear All United States - All Cities Rejection by churches or others in christian authority has actually resulted in the Lord comforting and building me up (in spite of my flaws) instead of causing me to doubt my salvation, He has used these things to show me how much He loves me, personally. They want their congregations and the world at large to believe that there are no amount of misdeeds that a pastor can perform, no matter how egregious, that means they shouldnt be instantly forgiven and returned to the pulpit ASAP. Youll notice the Pentecostals elevating him are in their 50s and 60s. I call that tragic because there are still a lot of honest pastors and churches out there. Im honored that Marks here so I dont want anybody reading what Im saying as some kind of disclaimer or apology. The lack of regard for the masking ordinance and therefore its fellow community members by this venue and its occupants is not condoned by the CCHD, the agency said. He is not going to go run to a car dealership the minute he gets out of jail. It shouldnt be about raw numbers of attenders and financial statements if it is a true church. I wouldnt want to walk in his shoes and succumb to the large amount of pride he exhibits, what an empty way to live. I think those that experience an event that is very bad or painful are often the lucky ones because you really cant second guess leaving. Forgive him? 15 And all that sat in the council, looking steadfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel. Im a done for now but that one meeting made we wonder if I could someday find a narrow gate church like the cult expert said. This is why I said above I dont think Driscoll should even be allowed to go on speaking engagements, sell Christian books, or anything involving Christianity. Vulgarity and filth get fed to us little by little until we hardly notice weve ignored those first red flags and become part and parcel of the heresy. Matthew 27:33-34 Reveal the conspiracy please. I dont want other people having that same regret. For more information about James River Church and to get connected, click the link below! I had been a pastor and fell horribly due to pride, arrogance, self centeredness, fear of man, desire for fame, etc. Houston was saying in his statement he was only just now finding out about some of Mark Driscolls more controversial statements, and that is due to the media. James River Church responds to complaints about crowded, unmasked - KY3 I had never heard someone talk like that. 99,693 were here. "Homosexual activity will lead to destruction. Galatians 5:22-23. Judging a pastors or missionaries repentance is not being critical of pastors, its saying, this is a position that has really high moral qualifications and if you dont have them, get out of the pulpit. The singles have a lot of money to be exploited as well, but churches are stuck in a rut of trying to fleece the married folks. I dont think theres been any repentance at all. I think its much the same thing. I admit that I am rather skeptical of James River's reliability now, most of this information was new to me. @ Lydia: (KY3) - OZARK, Mo. Good luck to you Sam. Lydia wrote: Its just that it isnt what a NT pastor of a group of Christians should be doing. Actually, I think the timing was just for that reason. The man can speak pretty well and seems to fill the pews. I agree with you there, but I wonder, how popular is this hyper macho brand of Christianity anymore? I know the utter devastation that these cults can wreak on their members. (glorifies paul. Barnabus is the hero of this story that gets little press. In your mega travels Lydia, is this homogenization of bad practices the norm? But what does that mean in the larger picture? So, if he became a member of a church, attended that for a while, accepting to do all kinds of unglamorous jobs that church members often do for their church, apprenticed with a pastor in a mainline church, where the position of pastor has a lot less power, tried to reconcile with the people he treated the worst well, maybe. They are relinquishing 10-20% of their gross income. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. These churches are both responsible for vetting their speakers, and they utterly failed on this one. God,I am running for your heart until my soul is on fire? Any allegations are probably not as bad as the truth. this is even a bigger bad root than the bad root of complimentarianism and authorityism. It was like my eyes were open. He had no idea. Years ago, he spoke from the pulpit against the expansion of casino gambling in Missouri. "In other words, you can believe what you want within the confines of the four walls of the church as long as you don't live it outside of the church.". He lives in the Show Me State, so go ahead and show me. Did Paul hire a company to buy his books and get them on the bestseller list? Whatever is going through Marks head, he is bent on getting people to listen to him again and to be heard. The bathrooms were tiny and not particularly nice. The following excerpt from that article caught my attention: "I do not want unnecessary distractions during our conference, particularly as this 30 minute interview was only a small part of this five day event," Mr Houston said in a statement. He was the vulgar shock jock of American Christianity. Hillsong is an international megachurch based in Australia that has exported its influence to major global cities and into churches music across the United States. Van, I agree with Deb. Yeah, these are the things that keep me from believing that MD has changed. The introduction sounded like it was coming from a caretaker role. Galatians 5:22-23. They dont (want to) get it. (Not that I waiting with bated breath). plausible they shoved that in jesus mouth, with that taste on his lips. (the death of Jesus on the cross as written in the bible is not enough, mark adds something more exciting and sickening like they shoved an a##-wipe sponge in Jesus mouth.) I think Christians make a huge mistake when looking at patterns of spiritual abuse, deception and tyranny as whether or not they are criminal according to our laws. Those ones arent even on the path. It is often just a wise thing to do if one is familiar with those types. Title This is either a complete falsehood or shows their utter lack of interest in the facts, because, as HUG so aptly quotes GK Chesterton, and let me paraphrase her, celebrity pastor unto celebrity pastor is brother. Did you miss a tithe payment? James River Church - Wikipedia No I wouldnt allow someone who was an embezzler or criminal back in charge, of course not. Blech!! With this much covidiocy in the country, we are proving ourselves to be the dumbest nation on earth. That idea was right before the idea that they were always having to give a lot of money to the church while we have voluntary giving. This is off topic but your question has been the basis of discussion with many associates for the last 6 months, many recently leaving an authoritarian church. I completely understand why you are so skeptical. *carefully targeting pastors who want to build an empire of their own with an easy publicity stunt (although described Christian-like so it actually sounds noble, in both marketing and in the buying pastors self-talk), @ LT: Yes, thanks for this. 2.the contents of the gallbladder; bile (proverbial for its bitterness). Marks of a bully, and definitely not qualifications of an elder. Its just another singing and acting gig for many of them. Hillsong Church Disinvites Mark Driscoll While James River Church Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. But I never want to deliberately post any false information so I do appreciate any corrections you can add. The problem is that the average pew-sitter has no idea what things a leader should be judged by, and they merely judge based on either looks, speaking ability, or how fun the service is. I wish just one person would have spoken up sooner. Albuquerque Blue reminded me of something about mark driscoll during the fall. Just some thoughts to consider. Mark Driscoll, thepreacher who stepped down from his Seattle megachurch in October 2014after being accusedof plagiarism, bullying and an unhealthy ego has beentrying to returnto some kind of speaking tourat Christian conferences. these were murders not trials. Driscoll has used this vague parallels to himself many times, framing the sermon in the context of his own life with the lives of other noble characters, most notably Jesus. If the congregation, the pew sitter as you say, cannot do it what does that leave? I do hope that nobody is still saying these same things before they clean up their own act. It didnt occur to me because I havent seen that modeled in a very long time. You make an interesting comparison. luke was paul's dr and paul was luke's pastor. . Mark Driscoll has a lot of repenting to do and until he does that he should not be permitted to preach/speak at any church. Mark' Driscoll's message has been uploaded on the church website, and we have included it here should you choose to watch it. He is young and using Jesus is all he knows. I dont believe the above because I am wondering how many more similar stories no matter how benign, there are. mode. Thats why these massive megas arent likely to represent the narrow gate. And he cant really do that if he keep holding on to the more sexist, frat boy type of Christianity that Neo Calvinists support that he was espousing at Mars Hill. Church membership requires showing your W-2 and mandatory tithe, though she scrubbed some posts referring to her involvement when it was hillsong ministries mercy ministries there are still a few unscrubs left here and there. So where is the money coming from now? Is to be- He dropped the moral bar for both pulpit and pew that has far reaching consequences on the way we do church. mark chose to step down not mark was removed. Certainly, Fulgencio Batista (dictator of Cuba at the time of the communist takeover) was a very corrupt man, whose government did terrible things, as with Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, Papa Doc Duvalier in Haiti, and many others. GW youth group also adopted the whole Tribes deal directly from Hillsong, complete with competing tribes wearing war paint and carrying weapons. We saw a good deal of quick forgiveness/cheap grace from defenders of TVC. Lydia on Sat Jun 13, 2015 at 12:48 Every week seems to get more strange and more openly cult like. Its what he does. At a certain level they wanted leaderless teams who would function by consensus. in prison. I am sorry if anything I wrote about Che offended you. Gus, it is very naive not to take into consideration that Driscolls constant media attention did not influence the TVC response to their own problem in any way. Did this evil plot involve the use of ninjas or leprechauns? No I wouldnt allow someone who was an embezzler or criminal back in charge, of course not. pastors that use their position to wreck peoples lives arent expected to go to jail or show tears publicly and thats ok if its not warranted but it is very reasonable for people to see something, anything, that looks like actual remorse before they think its ok for them to go back to influencing the lives of people. James River Church's 2020 Christmas service. This stuff was high on the why we are how we are list back in the day. This has nothing to do with the recent downfall of Mark and demise of Mars Hill. I was mainly trying to establish there is a difference between lovable Hollywood Che and reality Che. District. Above all he had that coveted edginess he wore age and occupation inappropriate t shirts and chunky jewelry on the pulpit. when mercy ministries was investigated at hillsong amazingly the leader Nancy Acorn opened up shop in the u.s. and has many supporters among the christian circuit (This was all before the sex sermons and book.) So, that is why I think it would have been wise for Driscoll to remove himself from the limelight and assume a servant posture. Feel sorry for him instead as a burned out shell without compassion. James River Church - Leadership not always what they portray there is a minor child involved that both of them love deeply. then mark goes on to teach us that we must forgive even if the person never admits wrong or says I am sorry: vengance is where you make someone pay. The virus is having a wonderful time right now spreading through this country, taking advantage of circumstances where people have let their guard go down. If a pastor makes a statement denying allegations, its a lie. Yes, Lord, he answered. You would have thought Piper would have caught on at some point. Christian institutions are trying to express an organic Jesus in non-organic structures. . A group of followers dealing directly with each other and not with an institution sounds appealing. pure grace are you or have been in similar situation to stephen? As for my outsider perspective he seems like someone youd want as a pastor if you wanted to get big and have lots of revenue streams. I am thinking that is no doubt true, but Saul/Paul was also a religious activist who had double crossed his former sponsors in Jerusalem who had given him credentials to go seek out believers for persecution. So grateful others are addressing these serious problems that plague Christendom. LOL! All you have to do is say some magic words and we end up being the mean ones if dare say we otherwise. At least at one point, women made up about 50% to 50% of most churches. Do any of you who oppose Driscoll preaching or running a church again, is there a way he could ever get forgiveness from yall to do that sort of ministry again? I would lay 50 to 1 odds that a change in MD will be announced and proved to be a change in words not a change in behavior! What I didnt know until this year is how much they are invading their universities as well. Certainly, or we are no better than he is. The worship leaders laugh about it. And shame on these preachers at these churches giving MD a platform to relaunch his church-related career. Mr. Petry was fired and ordered to be excommunicated and shunned for his opposing Driscolls move to consolidate power in the church and not have Biblical accountability before the elders. Then the authentic community unravels like a cheap Walmart sweater. He cannot or will not go back to school to become a plumber or a dentist or what ever, so he has to figure out how to get back into the Christian preaching / book writing / convention circuit. Restaurants and bars / taverns also use atmosphere teams. If there are reports of a scandal or problems at a church, they are true. Come on Lindell, Morris, Kellogg and Johnston. People think that Christians want filled pews and big churches, most do, i strongly disagree with that. One of six. I followed up on the link and have been sharing this song with families and friends! Considering the level of corruption I impute to mixing with Driscoll, Im not wondering much. ( As with the dituation with John Mark mentioned in Acts, and the conflict with Peter mentioned in Galatians. All the celebrity has to do is play the victim/repented card and teach cheap grace. I believe these churches are using Driscoll as fallen pastor insurance. i was thinking about how i probably sound critical to some people when i post on here about how i dont think people are apologizing right. Most people have more sunk into that cult than they do their homes. But guess what else happened? Why I did not run I do not know except I had a contract. (remembering marks sermon about mark being king) jesus is seated and he stands up for stephen. 6100 N 19th St Ozark, MO 65721 Directions. i hope people will go back and read the whole thing if they havent yet. Did you miss a tithe payment? They wear what they believe are trendy shirts typically untucked to cover the middle aged spread with skinny jeans.
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