New Delhi: Russian President Vladimir Putin made a lengthy televised speech from the Kremlin Monday and said there is no independent judiciary in Ukraine. This is a call to our business to work in the new direction. I made a decision to conduct a special military operation. President ofRussia Vladimir Putin: Fellow Russian citizens. They provoked a growth of prices in their own countries, closures of factories, collapse of energy sector. This was achieved by creating a strong centralised state in Russia, which grew and got stronger based on the great moral valuesof Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism, as well as Russian culture and the Russian word that were open to all. However, we saw a growth in 2023, and this is growth compared to 2021. Offices and sergeants who demonstrates on themselves to be decisive and clever and brave, they should be forwarded to the military academies and they should become a very powerful training reserve. Back in the 30s of last century and today, its the same idea to direct aggression to the east, to start the war in Europe using other peoples tools. This is invaluable. Here are some excerpts. First of all, we have to increase our international connections and establish our new logistical roots with new partners. Athletes' ambitions don't end when they leave the field of play. The Ukraine is now like a training ground for them. All participants of the special military operation especially, and including the volunteers, they need to have 14 days of rest every year, in addition to the travel time. This is a very visible program. Western Oligarchy Simon Elmer Kolozeg.Org, Has Russia Already Won? Listen, this is just a lot of nonsense, utter deceit, double standards, or even triple standards! Amazon Is Closing Its Cashierless Stores in NYC, San Francisco and Seattle, Amazon Pauses Construction on Second Headquarters in Virginia as It Cuts Jobs, Stock Traders Are Ignoring Blaring Bond Alarms, iPhone Maker Plans $700 Million India Plant in Shift From China, Russia Is Getting Around Sanctions to Secure Supply of Key Chips for War. We all understand very well that the needs of the special military operation are connected to great burden, psychological, physiological, financial. Where are they taking it under the guise of ensuring the food security of the poorest countries? And this is a sad reality, but its a fact. Also, I would like to propose the tax deduction for costs in relation to childrens education from 50 to 150 rubles and medical costs to 130,000 rubles. Behind the choice of millions of residents in the Donetsk and Lugansk peoples republics, in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, is our common destiny and thousand-year history. They also have to take into account that it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield. And they were exiting other agreements supporting peace in the world. Just like the government quietly demarcated the borders of Soviet republics, acting behind the scenes after the 1917 revolution, the last leaders of the Soviet Union, contrary to the direct expression of the will of the majority of people in the referendum of 1991, destroyed our great country, and simply made the people in the former republics face this as an accomplished fact. This is not just in relation to Russia but other countries as well. Could we really have set up the production of our tanks without American steel? Dear colleagues, as I mentioned, the west has begun not just the military and information, but also an economic aggression, but they have not achieved success in either of these areas and they wont achieve success there. History keeps repeating. People are doing everything they can in order to preserve the lives of our people, of our guys in the frontline. We are also working on the repair for about 3,500 schools using this program. We already have measures of supporting the veterans of the great patriotic war and the veterans of other local conflicts. Everyone understands the connection of their personal life to the life of their motherland. The west has got the objective to finish with Russia as a powerful player in the east, and they were trying to finance the terrorist and they were trying to contain our growth expansion, and the large Russian business was responsible for strategic factories where thousands of people used to work, which were determining economic situation in certain regions, which means that the management and the owners of these businesses are dependent on western powers who are hostile to our situation, and this is not a tolerable situation. Russian business has restricted its logistics and has established connections with predictable partners and there are many of those in the world, majority of them in the world. (01:21:21) The greater the range of these systems, the further away we will be forced to move the threat from our borders. Dear colleagues, we have an approved plan of creation of a military force for the 2023, 2025, and we are working on it and correcting it as we go. So since the beginning of this year, it was indexed by 6.8%, and Im proposing to add another 10% to it by next January. (01:16:44) Separate solutions are needed in order to attract capital to high tech sector, and there will be a mechanism for them to place their securities on the internal market for other companies and separate buyers. They are ready not only to declare their interests but also to protect them. But there were also specific actions, expansion of NATO to our borders, creation of new anti-rocket defense systems in Europe, and developing military contingents on the borders of Russia. I would like government to expand this program. They cannot rest easy knowing that there is such a great country with this huge territory in the world, with its natural wealth, resources and people who cannot and will not do someone elses bidding. In 1991 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, representatives of the party elite of that time made a decision to terminate the Soviet Union, without asking ordinary citizens what they wanted, and people suddenly found themselves cut off from their homeland. And the rent in this housing would be significantly lower than the market rent and the difference will be covered by the state. Musk Made a Mess at Twitter. Our culture and art present a danger to them, so they are trying to ban them. At the basis of new technologies, theres always fundamental sciences. We have a different future of our own. And as if nothing had happened, and they even told us how much money they spent on it. (56:44) Our domestic market, our personnel potential, our people, all of that allows us to really uncover a great potential of Russian ill areas. For the great historical Russia, for future generations, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Companies and entrepreneurs are helping. They were just dragging time and they were trying to close their eyes to the political killings and repressions of the Kyiv regime and abuse of religion and terrorist acts in Donbas. So their cumulative striking potential, their statement, effectively, is the application to enter this agreement. As I have already said, we have many like-minded people in Europe and the United States, and we feel and see their support. Opinion | The Speech In Which Putin Told Us Who He Was Of course, later on they started also investing here, but then the first wave was spent on consuming western goods. (48:49) This is their practice and they will expand it. Thats fine that theyre adults. Our proposed to double this figure when we talk about investing in private pension funds to the tune of 2.8 million rubles. We understood this and they are again in Kyiv talking directly about their plans. Id like to add a very important point. We dont have to conduct a long, lengthy dialogue about what and how much, and at what terms. Weve spent about 490 billion rubles on these programs since 2012 and we are not decreasing this spending. And we will provide constant operational control over these issues. We have started and we will continue to grow. And Im proposing to provide special program for housing. Russia Ukraine: Vladimir Putins full speech - The Sydney Let us vow to stop where we are and return to friendship and mutual cooperation. When Vladimir V. Putin announced Russias invasion of Ukraine in a televised address on Thursday, he articulated aims far beyond those of Russias prior assaults on 75th session of the UN General Assembly President of Russia (01:02:47) Theyve got the right to live their life. They increased in their size and we see that the housing, for example, increased. We needed years and years to break this, and we needed massive state investment. An official Russian version in English can be found here. The main criteria is visible results in terms of accessibility of health care and quality of health care. The most accurate AI-powered transcription on the market. Putin mouthpiece claims 'UK is now the main evil' There were numerous plans to invade Russia. Speech-to-Text live streaming for live captions, powered by the worlds leading speech recognition API. It was just the sale of resources of oil and gas and timber and so on, and money was not invested into long-term projects, and in order to break this negative tendency, we see this. Everything has to be aimed at the objective, at the result. Millions of people in the West understand that they are being led to spiritual destruction. We will continue thinking about very difficult issues in life, and most important thing is not to destroy society, but to stimulate the best qualities in people. As a service, CN provides here the English text of the speech. It looks like theyre not stupid. These European elites understand everything they do, but they prefer to serve the interests of others. Here in Novorossiya, [Pyotr] Rumyantsev, [Alexander] Suvorov and [Fyodor] Ushakov fought their battles, and Catherine the Great and [Grigory] Potemkin founded new cities. As a matter of fact, this was actually the case until recently. Now more than ever, players rightly see themselves as multi-faceted entrepreneurs, and seek ways to leverage their brands in everything from real estate to venture capital. (25:59) They made the choice to be with their people, to be with their Motherland, to share in its destiny, and to be victorious together with it. And Im requesting the government and the committee on social affairs together with regions to resolve all organizational aspects of this within the shortest possible time. (01:06:47) And theyre trying to delete this from the memory of people. Decisions were taken very, very quickly. Let me remind you that in 2000, 2005, we gave a military rebuff to terrorists in the Caucasus. We know that . The peoples tragedy is not important to them. None of the simple citizens of the country was sorry about those who lost massive bank accounts in the west, nobody was sorry about those who lost palaces and yachts in the west. We know that the West is directly linked to the attempts of Kyiv regime to attack our strategic aviation basis. Theyre twisting historic facts. Today this is just nonsense. Highlights from Putins address on breakaway regions in Ukraine. Starting from 2014, Donbas has been fighting to defend its right to live on its territory and speak its own language. We need to remove any intergovernmental conflicts, any conflicts within this governmental structure. Here are seven key points and accusations from the speech. Theres nothing new. We will continue our development of gas supply to various infrastructure like for example, hospitals and schools and so on, and this would be done for free. (01:33:10) We protect people and protect their homes. Everything I am saying is important. Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. And this would be three to 4% interest, five to seven years. (50:53) The taxed system has to be comprehensive and it has to be approached with a very creative, with a very creative spirit. Were not going to hunt those who betrayed the motherland. Putin Where is it going? Bio-weapon factories on the Russian border, Ukrainean Nazis murdering innocent Russians civilians living in Ukraine. You are strong people. Theyre trying to pretend this did not happen, but nobody forgot that. Those who planned a new attack on Donetsk, on Donbas, on Lugansk, they clearly understood that the next objective is strike against Sevastopol and Crimea. This is extremely important. We will extend this work to other rivers like Don, Irtysh, Ural, and other rivers. Thats a fact. In actual fact, we are moving to a new cycle of economic development and according to our expert assessment, we are moving to a new quality of development. And I repeat: things will never be the same. In a speech describing his aims for the second year of his invasion of Ukraine, the Russian president said Ukraine was in talks with the West about weapons before Russia invaded. And its not just us who are reducing payments in dollars, theyre doing that themselves. What are the areas where we have to focus on, where we have to work together between the government and the business? Here are highlights from his 40-minute speech. I have no doubt that the Federal Assembly will support the constitutional laws on the accession to Russia and the establishment of four new regions, our new constituent entities of the Russian Federation, because this is the will of millions of people. The example for us was western countries, and there were a number of consultants, as you know, but its not enough to just copy their models. Mr. Putin spends a substantial portion of his speech retelling the past 30 years as a history of false Western promises to divide Europe in a stable balance between American and Russian spheres of influence. He implies that this proves that the West is implacably bent on encircling and destroying Russia, and so can only be turned back with force. 19:15. There is only one way to stop this madness!. No one talks about this officially, and Stalin never, I think, left any written traces of his opinion, but I can say that he expressed this view several times in conversations with me.. They have brought up very distant defenders just like our ancestors were defending Donbas. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Participation of teachers and scientists, scholars, we have to use that participation in order to create the courses for literature and geography, so that the young generation is able to learn as much as possible about our history. What could a good leader like Putin do? I would like to remind you that in 1930s, Western countries opened the path for Nazi Germany to develop. The first agreement on restricting strategic weapons was signed in 1991 with the US. That is why politicians in Europe have to convince their fellow citizens to eat less, take a shower less often and dress warmer at home. The whole world knows that the top officials in these countries are being spied on and that their offices and homes are bugged. And one of the things is that family is a union of a man and a woman. Thank you! But even the sacred texts are subjected to doubt. Discover why Rev is the #1 speech-to-text service in the world. This is the American President! Their heavy military duty, their heroic acts are finding a response in Russia. And the volunteers are helping civilians to go to cover and provide water and clothing to civilians who live in the military actionaries. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a video address to the nation, following the initiative of the country's lower house of parliament and security council to And Id like to emphasize the further steps on strengthening our navy and army. And after that, are they thinking that theyre going to just tour our facilities, military facilities?
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