field grade officer oer character comments

I have served over eleven years active duty service in our great Army. The number one rule is that as your performance changes, so should your future goals. It's a pain in the ass, and nobody reads them, but you have to do them. Finally, account managers and assignment officers have different responsibilities. Officer Evaluation Reporting System (OERS) Flashcards - Quizlet 2018 with issuance of Army Directive 2018-07-8. To achieve desirable career outcomes, an officer must consider the following 10 aspects. Please know that I just copied these from my own OERs (I did change my name and unit though). Form Popularity oer support form examples. A joint assignment is a great opportunity, but if you do not get promoted to lieutenant colonel or selected for battalion command, it will not take you very far. Talent management encompasses multiple data points so that leaders can make the most informed organizational decisions. And the members who will be judging the case don't care if you use bad grammar. Sample Army OER Bullets and OER Comments - Part-Time-Commander Having a clear understanding of your left and right parameters will ease tensions during the transition process. His military presence was something that even many of his superiors adored, including myself. I know SGT Jones has dedicated her life to the Army is an integral part of it. Since assuming command, CPT Holmes improved morale by developing an effective rewards program resulting in 15 Achievement Medals, 8 Driver's Badges, and numerous coins and COA's. Should only be used for: The best Most Qualified (MQ) reports within a mature profile Highly Qualified (HQ) reports that follow an MQ for same rated officer with discretion, for the very best officers with HQ reports in small Theoretically, each assignment officer will touch approximately 68 percent of their assigned population over a span of two years. - Achieves. If detailed data is not submitted, units leave the decision to assignment officers who may not have complete information to assign the officer who is best suited to the unit's mission. Now that I've given you my advice about managing your OER, here are some sample OER bullets and OER comments. MARY M. BELLA, CPT, USA Making the Switch: What I wish I knew before becoming a field grade officer We include documents based . At that time, SSgt Trejo was a Lance Corporal and played a key role in the success of RSS Brooklyn. SPC Smith is a quiet, soft-spoken individual who often keeps to himself. His interactions with me, and those I have witnessed with other superiors, are always with good military bearing and keen attention to customs and courtesies. I am currently a Recruiter in Talladega and an active member of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club. Officer Fitrep Bullets. Every officer matters to the continued success of our organization. I am aware of the discharge proceedings against SPC Smith. List incidents that you observed where he accepted orders or even punishment without argument. Assess the performance of the rated officer. Middle third officers may have a chance for joint opportunities and some nominative opportunities. My name is Gunnery Sergeant DeKinderen, Todd M., the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) G-3 Headquarters SNCOIC. His drive and motivation played a key role in the accomplishment of the Unit's mission: taking civilians, turning them into Infantrymen and training them to be the Force's future leaders. Assignment officers, on the other hand, are responsible for locating the right officer available to fill the identified vacancy. It takes time to evaluate/assess and the process exists. The Army has plenty of assignment opportunities other than brigade combat teams, and these opportunities need solid performers. I aware of the pending review of CW3 Texas-Ranger s advancement to CW4 due to an investigation while he was assigned as a Drill Sergeant. " You lead by example. #2) Ask for your rater and senior rater's support forms and ensure your support form nests with theirs. This assertion, along with Army Regulation (AR) 623-3: Evaluation Reporting System (ERS), implies that character is the foremost leadership requirement: The Army Values, empathy, warrior ethos, and discipline are critical attributes that define a leader's character and apply across all grades, positions, branches, and specialties. New OER means fewer boxes, more accountability for raters new year new NCOER program this helps a lot! Officers are encouraged to start expanding their networks early in their careers to achieve their goals. His commitment to our mission was something he held near and dear to his heart. Normally a single paragraph of a couple of sentences explaining who you are (rank, place of work, etc) and your relationship with the subject (co-worker, friend, supervisor, etc). I have always known him to be quietly cheerful and, to my knowledge, he has always had a good attitude and a positive outlook. PDF Personnel Officer and Warrant Officer Commissioned Officer and Warrant SSG Deleon had always demonstrated the highest level of integrity and never acted as someone who would violate his position of trust. Use plain bond paper and the official memorandum format. Bottom third officers are at risk for having promotion denied and basically have no chance of selection for battalion command. Occasionally Soldiers get into trouble and become subject to some form of formal punishment where he is judged by members outside the unit. He does so without question. The Army can and has moved surprisingly swiftly to discharge offenders and your statement will have a lot of weight in determining the subject's fate and may just save him or her from being discharged. CLICK ON THE "CREATE OER TAB" at the top which will pull the basic admin data from the existing support form into an OER shell. It is your responsibility to double-check the information you find on this site before you use it professionally. The submission of a detailed MER is critical to enabling HRC to select the right officers for specific organizational requirements. DA 67-10-1A, Officer Evaluation Support Form PERIOD'COVERED:'''!FROM%(YYYYMMDD)!THRU%(YYYYMMDD)! o expressed himself in an open and candid manner; facilitated teamwork. as a role model by displaying character, confidence, and competence, and influence outside the chain of command. If, for example, someone is being prosecuted for dereliction of duty, a character statement on that person's behalf should include information describing your experience with that person's earnest dedication to his assigned responsibilities. Spend some time thinking this through so that you can come up with material that will cast doubt on the charges. This will give them an idea of their future opportunities. Although I was not his direct supervisor, I worked closely with him for over 16 months. If you have any questions or concerns, or if I can be of further assistance, I can be reached at DSN 123-4567. d. Evaluation Reporting System process. Leadership. Leaders should expect the MER approximately six months before the cycle opens. As a recruiter assistant who was not formally trained, LCpl Trejo outshined many certified Marine Corps Recruiters (8411s). Army Regulation 614-100, Officer Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers, offers detailed insight on assignment policies. I was previously assigned to Chaos Company, 3rd Battalion, 54th Infantry Regiment as the Senior Drill Sergeant of 4th Platoon and assisted in the activation of the Battalion and the 197th Infantry Brigade. New Army OER means fewer boxes, more accountability for raters Sample Army OER Rater Bullet# 1. EDIPI: 1298475886/USMC. Closing. His technical prowess was steadfast and contributions to the G6 team guaranteed overall mission accomplishment. However, with our pre-built online templates, everything gets simpler. Officers with Exceptional Family Member Program or Married Army Couples Program situations are assignment officers' first priority. Currently there are two cycles: the 01 cycle, which runs from Oct. 1 through March 31, and the 02 cycle, which runs from April 1 through Sept. 30. To do otherwise would hurt your reputation and possibly make you subject to UCMJ action. And, in her defense, she had the integrity to immediately acknowledge her mistake and take care of it immediately. SSG Deleon displayed an unmatched work ethic. 3. Feel free to use these as a template for doing your own. Witnessing CW3 Texas-Ranger s superior leadership and mentorship qualities in such a diverse environment, certainly groomed me into the Leader I am today. All validated requisitions are important, and someone will fill the requirement. O-6s typically attend the Army War College. Unfortunately, it presents the impression that a senior rater's evaluation of an officer is based in large part upon (1) rater's OER comments & suggested senior rater comments, plus (hopefully) an OER support form that was not crammed together at the end of the rating period simply for evaluation purposes, (2) informal verbal comments from . Make it as presentable as possible. o motivated and challenged peers through leadership by example. | Army Organic Industrial Base Modernization Implementation Plan, Army Civil Works announces publication of a formal review for Nationwide Permit 12, October 2017 Nominative Sergeants Major Assignments. Promotion opportunities are many, and multiple paths lead to the same end state. 1. This group of officers is targeted for areas that allow more opportunities to strengthen their files. If you marked "no" in a box, you have to explain in detail why. To this end, this Officers normally serve 36 months in an assignment, and the YMAV or DEROS is usually in the last month. o Incorporates Army Directive 2015-11, Unmasking of Army Officer Evaluation o performed at a level above the normal call of duty; produced exemplary results. Recently, HRC held a virtual town hall, and many comments focused on this issue. Selected continuation officers will continue to be assessed for promotion to lieutenant colonel. During my time at HRC, I learned many things about field-grade officer career progression that I want to share. Being promoted to lieutenant colonel is definitely indicative of a successful career. Commanders for cause or misconduct without Field Grade LDAP consultation (Ch 3-6 i.1.a) o Updated Pre Command Course (PCC) attendance guidance (Ch 3-6 i.1.a note) o Updated the Officer Career Management Board convene date and added AMEDD OCMB (Ch 4-3) o Added a sixth consideration for AGR promotion (Ch 4-4 d) I feel certain that our Section Chief would agree. This is important. " You are fair and treat everyone in the office as an equal. Normally must serve 90 days. If possible, these additional positive attributes should overlap with or complement your main assertion. The establishment of realistic career goals is paramount to successfully managing expectations. Describe incidents where he was encouraged to cut corners or leave his post but refused. Leading includes inspiring others to take the journey with you. Character Statement Examples - ArmyWriter It's happening for a good reason, because the professional Soldier already knows what they have done well and what they need to improve. The body is the majority of the letter. Size:60.77 KB. Senior leaders play a critical role in managing talent across the organization, and your reputation will make the difference during the process. First, it describes how a rater or senior rater sees evaluations. In the interest of helping all you young officers out there, (who will eventually spend the best years of your life in uniform, only to get passed over just before you have enough time to retire (seen it . 31 Things Your Senior Rater Would Like You to Know That He Probably Won Evaluating Character - Army University Press What is the difference between company grade and field grade officers Answer (1 of 5): "Company grade" officers are junior executives in the grades of lieutenants (second and first) and captains (O-1 through O-3). I can be reached at any time on my personal cell, 800-SHK-NBKE, or government cell, 800-BBJ-ESUS. Although lokely the rater is simply copying from the support form and changing pronouns. Performance is everything. And the supplemental NCOER? In most cases, one OER can separate officers in the top third from those in the middle third. SPC Smith always maintains a very high standard of dress and appearance. SPC Smith is one of the technicians who work in the Aeromedical Staging Facility (clinical operations). At the very least, a suspended discharge would allow SPC Smith the opportunity to continue his service while demonstrating his commitment to the Army.